Swiss 5 Stars
...our job is to make yours easier!
Hospitality Services
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Our Services

At your service

Swiss 5 Stars Hospitality Services offers efficients services that will help your business. We also have a free advisory service that endeavours to help people in the hospitality industry to solve some of their business problems. Just send us an email with your questions.

GSS (Guest Service Satisfation)
As business owners, we’d all like to think of ourselves as providers of great customer service. Great customer service is about knowing how to handle problems, responding to and resolving issues something at which agile small businesses can often excel. If customer satisfaction is your goal, then great customer service will get you there.


  • We work with you to improve the areas of your business that needs attention.

  • Our Mystery Check will give you a written reports that will set out ideas and strategies for improving your business.

  • Helping you gain more sales with more positive marketing.

  • Giving you a clearer picture of where your business is heading.


  • Coaching offers similar services to consulting over a longer period of time. Helping you to implement change.

  • Coaching is the tool that we use to help you improve every aspect of your business. From training and guiding employees to improving your marketing techniques and profit margins.

  • Working with you over a period of time, helping you to develop and train your team to become more professional and competitive in todays market.


  • For staff

  • For managers

  • For restaurant owners

Swiss 5 Star Hospitality Service or S5SHS can work with you on these topics, helping you to gain more clarity on the direction your business is heading.


  • S5SHS offers a trouble shooting service, defining where your major problems are and what the solutions are.

  • Diagnosis is the key to solving any problem, no matter how big or small.

  • The fields that can be covered here are limitless, some of the common ones are:

  • Professional "blindness" - Inattentive and overconfident staff – Low profits – Lack of cleanliness – Poor Customer service – Lack of people skills.

Swiss 5 Star Hospitality Services is your reliable business quality services provider. We have reasons to meet.

Are your interested in learning more about our services? Contact us today
Yes, we can help you!

+41 79 784 6093
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