Swiss 5 Stars
...our job is to make yours easier!
Hospitality Services
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Our Services

the success it's easier to achieve then to maintain it...

Our consulting services include:

  • Consulting/Coaching

  • Mystery restaurant tester (anonymous visits)

  • Staff crush courses service training

  • Guest Satisfaction Service

  • Operations Troubleshooting

  • Manuals and systems implementation

  • Kitchen troubleshooting (help you find where the profits are going)

  • Wines service course

We believe in quickly results providing an immediate analysis of problems and implement solutions. In addition, we will leave you with the tools to problem solve in the future.

This provides clear benefits:
You’ll develop advantages over your competitors
You’ll have a business which is easier to manage
You'll increase your revenue

You'll gain a better life style

Since over 10 years we assist restaurant owners and hotelier to achieve the best possible results in their business, we act like the business could be ours. Why this? Because we are professional, passionate about the industry and we paid attention to every smallest detail. Our bottom line is that we genuinely care about our clients, a small word with a large meaning, an attribute that is sometimes lacking in business services these days. We are truly committed to achieving better results for your business.

The solution to any challenge is to first take action, once you take this step the answers will follow.

Call or contact us today
Yes, we can help you!

+41 79 784 6093
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